Social Media and Indian politics
In the technology-driven world, social media has become the most
important medium to connect people from near as well as remote areas-even
beyond the boundaries. The social networking sites like #facebook, #twitter, #whatsapp,
etc. have proven to be the best means of communication. People vastly use these
networking sites to communicate with their friends, family members, relatives etc.
A majority of the Indian people is witnessing efficient uses of these social
media sites for personal, business and political issues. The importance of
social media can be seen everywhere. Over few years, the use of the social
media sites has influenced Indian Politics too. Marketing managers of political
parties take the social media sites as the best marketing and attraction
management tool now-a-days.
Social Media and involvement of political parties
Almost all the political leaders have a strong attachment
with their followers through these social media sites. They share their views
with them by tweeting on the Twitter or by posting information on the Facebook.
The best thing is that they also come to know how their followers react to them.
This also enables the political leaders to understand their positives and
negatives that help them decide changes and implementations accordingly. If we
peep into the last few elections conducted in India, the political leaders
personally came among the public through these sites, and meanwhile, marketing
managers of the poetical parties used the social media as the prime medium to
run advertising campaigns.
Social Media's Influence on politics
Social media plays a dominant role to enhance the impact of
politics on those who are connected to the networking sites. Past few decades, the
majority of working society was almost inactive towards the political issues
because they hardly get chances to be aware of them. But now gone are those
days, as these social media sites have given common people a close touch with
the politics and political issues. On the other hand, political parties and
leaders come to know the opinions of common people. Any tweet on twitter or any
post on facebook receives a large number of comments from persons from the different
societies across India.
Social Media has changed politics for better and worse

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Online Marketing And Reputation Management Consultant